Serious Ministry In Serious Times As These

St. Matthew 25:31-46

We are a Christian fellowship whose goals are to share the love of Jesus the Christ with the world, help others to develop a saving knowledge of Jesus, and teach others to become one of His disciples by following His commandments.
The Pastor of our church is Reginald D. Servant

Our purposes at New Smyrna Christian Church are to help lost souls become saved, foster love through fellowship, magnify Jesus the Messiah, teach Biblical truths, and to develop Holy Spirit-Led disciples for Jesus the Christ.


It is the mission of New Smyrna Christian Church to share the gospel of Jesus the Christ with the lost; develop Holy Spirit-Led disciples for Jesus; help the hurting find healing, hope, and love in a caring environment; minister to the spiritual and material needs of people; explain the Scriptures in a relevant manner; educate and motivate youths to be successful people of God; provide social assistance to seniors; inspire every Christian to discover and utilize their spiritual gifts for God's glory; preserve the bonds of traditional marriage; protect family morals and values of integrity and holiness; and to equip all Christians to be godly examples. 

  • 1025 23rd St S, Birmingham, AL 35205, USA
  • Suite 302